Cheap horse fly masks are now easier to find than ever. Horses are particularly vulnerable to irritations and even ailments caused by flies because they are unable to do anything that would dissuade the insects from bothering them unless there are other horses nearby.
It is on horse owners to ensure that their precious animals are not harmed by miniature malcontents. Some horses also need to be protected from the harsh rays of the sun that can harm their skin and their eyes. The best way to do both things is through using horse fly masks.
1. Farnam SuperMask II
Protecting your horse while having him/her continue to look stylish is possible with some help from the SuperMask II from Farnam. With four different color options to choose from, it will be easy to find the exact variant of this affordable fly mask that works best with your horse. The simple yet effective design of this mask is what makes it stand out from the other available options.
2. Kensington Fly Mask
Kensington’s Fly Mask is an ideal item to use during the summertime. The mask does well in terms of providing protection against flies, and on top of that, it is thick enough to capably shield against the rays of the sun even when it’s really hot outside. Concerns about this affordable mask being too hot are unwarranted because air can easily sneak into it.
3. Kensington Natural Fly Mask with Webbing
Durability is an important consideration when looking for affordable fly masks. The Natural Fly Mask with Webbing from Kensington features great durability and it also has an ingenious way of avoiding getting damaged. Because these masks come in colors that can closely match a horse’s coat, other horses that see it will not instinctively try to tear it away. That results in the masks themselves becoming usable for a longer amount of time.
4. Roma F.C. Stretch Bug Eye Saver with Ears
Some horse fly masks can impair the vision of the animal because of the way they are designed, but that is not the case with the Stretch Bug Eye Saver with Ears from Roma F.C. While the rest of the mask fits snugly on the horse’s head, the portions covering the eyes are elevated and made out of mesh. The mesh portions stay away from the eyes at all times, ensuring that no irritation will take place.
5. Prairie Horse Supply Horse Fly Mask
Not all horses may be comfortable wearing a fly mask right away, and that could make keeping it on a challenge for them. The Horse Fly Mask from Prairie Horse Supply gets around that issue by making use of a sturdy enclosure. Rest assured, this cheap fly mask is still made out of light materials, so your horse will not be uncomfortable while wearing this item.
6. Professional’s Choice Comfort Fit Fly Mask
Hardworking horses deserve to feel comfortable and stylish, and the Comfort Fit Fly Mask helps with that. The additional embellishments to this item prevent it from looking like a cheap mask. If anything, they add a touch of luxury to the mask. The materials used are also soft and pleasing to the touch. A horse can keep this on all day and not feel even a slight bit of irritation.
7. Manna Pro Pro-Force Fly Mask
Low-cost horse fly masks may not be known for being highly versatile, but that is not the case with the Pro-Force Fly Mask from Manna Pro. This particular mask features a highly adjustable fit, allowing it to be used by horses that range in weight from 900 lbs to 1200 lbs. The double-locking fastener is a welcome addition because it keeps the mask’s fit snug even when it’s being used by smaller horses.
8. Cashel Quiet Ride Standard Horse Fly Mask
Finicky horses may not be too fond of having their faces covered up, but that does not mean that no horse fly mask can work for them. The Cashel Quiet Ride Standard Horse Fly Mask is a good choice if you do have a fussy horse because it is remarkably easy to put on. Plus, this low-cost mask is designed in a way that it will not restrict your horse in any way. Over time, you can expect your horse to get used to wearing this item.
9. Cashel Econo Standard Horse Fly Mask
Safe features are what you need to look for first and foremost in inexpensive horse masks, and those can be found in abundance in the Econo Standard Horse Fly Mask from Cashel. The mesh is the material that will shield your horse from flies, and the fitting darts inside will ensure that the mesh does not fall into the eyes as well. The soft edges prevent instances of rubbing, and the entire mask itself provides ample protection from the harmful UV rays of the sun.
10. Durvet DuraMask Equine Fly Mask
The DuraMask Equine Fly Mask from Durvet is an item that should remain useful for a very long time. This inexpensive mask has been reinforced to give it greater durability. On top of that, it comes with a double-locking fastener. That double-locking fastener will prevent the mask from falling off or being taken off by the horse. Because of that, the chances that this mask will be ruined by the horse are lowered significantly.
More often than not, horses are strong and resilient enough to watch out for themselves. They don’t need people to protect them. However, when flies, other insects, and the rays of the sun are added to the equation, horses could benefit from receiving even just a little bit of assistance.
You can provide that little bit of assistance by getting your horse a fly mask. By obtaining one of the many cheap horse fly masks that are currently available and putting them on your horse, you are giving your animal friend better protection and improving his/her quality of life.